Saturday, December 11, 2010

New Board Officers for 2011

The Candy Fund Board of Directors has elected a new slate of officers for 2011.  They are:

Chairperson:                  Jennifer Browning

Vice-Chair &                 Gwendie Camp
Recording Secretary:

Corresponding               JC Walkup

Treasurer:                       Celia Miles


Other Board members with specific responsibilities:

Maintain database:           Whitney George

Update brochures &        Martha McMullen
insure adherance
to policies and

Cheryl Dietrich leaves the Candy Fund Board in good hands

The Candy Fund Board of Directors has elected a new slate of officers for 2011.  Cheryl Dietrich, Board Chairman for 2010 and co-founding member of the Board is rotating off the Board.  We wish her all the best in her other volunteer activities, and look forward to her help with selected projects as a "Friend of the Candy Fund."