Thursday, September 13, 2012

Welcome to the Candy Fund blog!

We've been a little behind on keeping our blog up-to-date this year, so here's  recap of events to catch you up on all of our exciting news.

We have had the honor of granting scholarships to women from all over Western North Carolina to programs provided by Clarity Works, the Great Smokies Writing Program, etc. 

We just completed our yearly fundraising letter campaign.  If you didn't get a fundraising letter and would like one, please contact us at  We'd love to hear from you.

We are gearing up for next year's fundraising effort soon, so be looking for announcements regarding a new writer's cookbook coming to your inboxes soon.

We elected new officers for 2012 in January (see the list below):

Chairperson: Jennifer Lynn Browning

Vice-Chair: Martha McMullen

Recording Secretary and Treasurer: Jane Dawson

Corresponding Secretary:  Whitney Laura George

Other Board Members:

Celia Miles
Betsy Fletcher

Thank you for visiting our blog.  We hope you are excited about our news as we are to share it.  Have a great day!