Friday, August 20, 2010

2010 Board Membership

The Candy Fund has added some new Board Members recently.  We now have seven members (the by-laws allow an expansion to twelve..)  Current Board Members are:

Cheryl Dietrich--Chair
Martha McMullen--Vice-Chair
Gwendie Camp--Acting Recording Secretary
JC Walkup--Acting Corresponding Secretary
Celia Miles--Treasurer
Jennifer Browning
Whitney George

Please contact the Candy Fund by email ( if you have an interest in becoming a Board Member.

The Book Fair--A Big Success!!

The Book Fair that The Candy Fund sponsored at the Kenilworth Presbyterian Church in August was a big success for the scholarship fund. 

We had more than 50 self-published authors and local publishers  meeting with customers and other authors.  The Book Fair also included numerous silent auction baskets, a used book table, a raffle of a Kimberly Childs quilt, and a table of baked goods.  Volunteer Friends of The Candy Fund donated their time to assist with refreshments for the authors and to allow authors to take breaks. 

As has been the case all summer, it was a hot day, but based on the noise level in the Book Fair display area, that didn't stop the "meeting and greeting."

The Fund cleared about eighteen hundred dollars overall from the Fair.  This will enable us to award approximately 12-15  scholarships to women writers in Western North Carolina during 2010. 

Thanks to all who attended--as authors, volunteers, or customers.